miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Graham Bond Organisation - Waltz For A Pig

The Graham Bond Organisation - Waltz For A Pig (Ginger "Harry Butcher" Baker) Reaction 591 001 B - 1966

Este instrumental siempre me ha fascinado. Con un fantástico ritmo a cargo de su autor, Ginger Baker, y con un ambiento nocturno de estepa urbana, es quizás una de las mejores piezas grabadas por The Graham Bond Organisation. Sorprendentemente, nunca apareció en ninguno de los discos oficiales del grupo. Únicamente vió la luz como cara B del single de The Who "Substitute".

En aquel momento el ex-manager y productor de The Who, Shel Talmy, tenía un juicio pendiente contra la banda, quienes no podían grabar nada hasta que se solucionara el conflicto judicial. El sello discográfico Reaction, para mantener el nombre del grupo mientras tanto, decidió re-editar "Substitute" y poner de cara B del single un instrumental encargado a otra banda de la misma oficina de management, The Graham Bond Organisation.

El invento apareció finalmente acreditado a The Who Orchestra, aunque quienes tocaban alli eran Grahan Bond, Dick Heckstall-Smitm, Jack Bruce y Ginger Baker. Por lo menos, Ginger se pudo comprar finalmente un coche a los 28 con los royalties de la canción de marras. Curiosa historia para un gran instrumental perdido.


This instrumental has always fascinated me. With a fantastic rhythm played by its writer, Ginger Baker, and with a nocturnal urban steppe atmosphere, it's probably one of the best numbers ever recorded by The Graham Bond Organisation. Surprisingly, it never appeared on any of the official records of the band. It only saw the light of day as the B side of The Who's "Substitute".

At that time, The Who ex-manager and producer, Shel Talmy, had an injunction against the band that prevented them from temporarily recording until a legal settlement was agreed. The Reaction record label, for keeping alive the name of the band meanwhile, decided to re-release "Substitute" and use as the B side of the single an instrumental specially commissioned to another band from the same management office, The Graham Bond Organisation.

The invention finally appeared credited to The Who Orchestra, though the ones playing there were Grahan Bond, Dick Heckstall-Smitm, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker. At least, Ginger was finally able to buy himself a car at 28 with the royalties he got with the song. Curious story for a great lost instrumental.



3 comentarios:

frumious bandersnatch dijo...

I didn't know the strange story behind this track : a Graham Bond instro on the flip side of a Who single...
I didn't know the track itself & I totally agree with your description : pure genius, very evocative, it would be perfect as the soundtrack of some "film noir". The Ginger Baker drumming is stunning, as is the sound of the Hammond of Graham Bond.

In fact, I can't stop listening to this !!! I realize that sometimes my love & hunger for music just pursues that simple goal : finding a song like this I can play over & over. A real gem, to be short.

Thank you !!!

Sebastián Vientos dijo...

Thanks for your comment.

My comment would be that, even stranger than the story of this wondeful instrumental song, is that it has taken 193 downloads of it to finally deserve a first comment!

Thanks again then for redeeming those other 192 silent takers who, too commonly, take and say absolutely nothing.


boppinbob dijo...

Found your excellent site via Googling for Graham Bond as it would have been his birthday today!
Thanks for sharing the fab B side.