jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

The Game - When Love Begins To Look Like You

The Game - When Love Begins To Look Like You (Alan Gordon) Commonwealth United C 3009 - 1969

Todo queda dicho en menos de dos minutos. Breve, como la mayor parte de las buenas cosas. Una oxigenante canción para una primavera otoñal, que podría ser un buen ejemplo de cómo sonaría Nueva York si estuviera en California.

A finales de los 60, y tras haber publicado un par de singles con su grupo The Proctor Amusement Co., con base en Fort Lauderdale, en Florida, un tal Chuck Kirkpatrick era uno de los técnicos de sonido de los famosos estudios Criteria de Miami, en donde le daba a los botones en las grabaciones de Aretha Franklin, Eric Clapton, The Allman Brothers y muchas otras lumbreras del momento. No se resignaba a quedarse en la trastienda del asunto, y tras algunos cambios de formación, su grupo se convirtió en The Game. Un contrato con un pequeño sello neoyorkino resultó en este single que nos ocupa.

"When Love Begins To Look Like You" fué escrita por Alan Gordon, ex-batería de The Magicians y co-autor de éxitos tan sonados como "Happy Together" y varias otras de The Turtles, "Celebrate" de Three Dog Night, y un montón más para The Lovin' Spoonful, The Righteous Brothers, Harper's Bizarre, The Critters y cien más. Alan murió a finales de 2008, todavía en activo. Tuve el honor de ser su último colaborador, escribiendo las letras para dos canciones que él llevaba últimamente entre manos, y que parece ser quedarán para siempre en el limbo.

Con respecto a The Game, después de trabajar con Alan Gordon, llegaron a editar un par de LPs con sus propias canciones. Incluso a finales de los 70, el persistente Chuck publicó un LP con Capitol, con el nombre de Chuch Crane. Burbújas en el mar.


Everything is said in less than two minutes. Short, as most good things. An oxygenating song for an autumnal spring, it could be a good example of how New York would sound if it was in California.

In the late 60s, and after having released a couple of singles with his Fort Lauderdale, Florida based band The Proctor Amusement Co., a certain Chuck Kirkpatrick was a sound engineer at the famous Criteria studios in Miami, were he handled the knobs in recordings by Aretha Franklin, Eric Clapton, The Allman Brothers, and many other big names of the moment. He would not resign at keeping in the backroom and, after some line-up changes, his band mutated into The Game. A contract with a small newyorker label had the single we're having here as a result.

"When Love Begins To Look Like You" was written by Alan Gordon, ex-drummer with The Magicians and co-writer of such big hits as "Happy Together" and several others by The Turtles, "Celebrate" by Three Dog Night, and a bunch more for The Lovin' Spoonful, The Righteous Brothers, Harper's Bizarre, The Critters and a hundred more. Alan died in late 2008, still active. I had the honour of being his latest collaborator, writing the lyrics for two songs he was lately working on, and which will most probably remain forever in limbo.

Regarding The Game, after working with Alan Gordon, they managed to release a couple of LPs with their own songs. Even in the late 70s, the persistent Chuck released an LP with Capitol, under the name of Chuck Crane. Bubbles in the sea.



domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

David Kershenbaum - White Velvet Cat

David Kershenbaum - White Velvet Cat (Bobby Lile) Capitol P 2191 - 1968

Una de esas canciones con apariencia discreta y que, a pesar de todo, se hacen de notar rápidamente y permanecen. Nocturna y elegante, y vestida con un seductor arreglo, fué escrita por Bobby Lile, un experimentado artista con al menos una docena de singles a sus espaldas, editados desde mediados de los 50 por varios sellos diferentes.

Como Bobby, David Kershenbaum no tuvo mucho éxito con sus discos. Aunque, con el tiempo, sí pudo ver su nombre estampado en literalmente millones de ellos. Tras introducirse en la tenebrosa parte ejecutiva de la industria discográfica, encontaría finalmente el éxito, la reputación, la fama y el dinero, con sus producciones para Richie Havens, Cat Stevens, Joe Jackson, Graham Parker, Tracy Chapman y cien más. Nunca se sabe.


One of those songs with a discreet appearance and which, in spite of all, grabs attention and lingers on. Nocturnal and elegant, and dressed with a seducing arrangement, it was written by Bobby Lile, an experienced artist himself with at least a dozen singles on his back, released since the mid 50s by several different labels.

Like Bobby, David Kershenbaum didn't have that much success with his records. Although, some time later, he could see his name printed in literally millions of them. After entering the gloomy executive side of the recording industry, he'd finally find success, reputation, fame and money, producing Richie Havens, Cat Stevens, Joe Jackson, Graham Parker, Tracy Chapman and a hundred more. You never know.

