domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

The Turtles - Lady O

The Turtles - Lady O (Judee Sill) White Whale 334 - 1969

Cuando en 1969, tras una fructífera carrera con grandes éxitos como "Happy Together" o "Elenore", The Turtles grabaron "Lady O", ya no existían como tales. Cinco años con los clásicos avatares y excesos de un grupo de rock a toda máquina habían pasado su factura, y la banda se había separado recientemente.

El bajista, Jim Pons, tuvo la idea de grabar una última canción, a modo de despedida digna, que equilibrara los últimos singles del grupo, un tanto erráticos.

Todos estuvieron de acuerdo y así pues, se decidieron por esta gran composición de una joven californiana (1944) llamada Judith Sill. Ella no había grabado todavía ningún disco, pero andaba ya intentando colocar sus canciones aquí y allá. Jim Pons y John Beck (de The Leaves) se hicieron cargo de la producción, contando con el precioso arreglo de cuerda de Bob Harris.

La voz principal del grupo, Howard Kaylan (en la foto, en el centro), cantó acompañado por los coros de Mark Volman y Al Nichol. La propia Judith se encargó de la guitarra acústica, y no se añadió ningún instrumento más. El resultado, fastuoso. Ahora The Turtles sí podían descansar en paz.


When in 1969, after a fruitful career with big hits like "Happy Together" or "Elenore", The Turtles recorded "Lady O", they were no more. Five years with the classic vicissitudes and excesses of a rock band in full steam had taken its toll, and the group had recently split.

Bassist, Jim Pons, had the idea of recording a last song, as a more honorable farewell, which could amend the last singles of the band, a bit too erratic.

Everybody agreed and so, they selected this great tune by a young californian (1944) called Judith Sill. She hadn't still made any record herself, but was already trying to sell her songs here and there. Jim Pons and John Beck (ex - The Leaves) handled the production, with the beautiful string arrangement of Bob Harris.

Usual lead singer of the band, Howard Kaylan (centre in the photo), sang and members Mark Volman and Al Nichol la-laed. Judith herself played the acoustic guitar, and no other instruments were added. The result, greatness. Now, The Turtles could finally rest in peace.


While you seat and seek a crescent moon
is layin' at your feet,
with hope that's made of sand,
you don't think you can
but you have held it all in your hand,
Lady - O

I've been tryin' hard to keep from needin' you
but from the start,
my heart just rolled and flowed
I've seen where it goes
and still somehow my love for you grows,
Lady - O

So on my heels I'll grow wings,
gonna ride silver strings,
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams,
Lady - O

So on my heels I'll grow wings,
gonna ride silver strings,
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams,
Lady - O

I've been tryin' hard to keep from needin' you
but from the start,
my heart just rolled and flowed
I've seen where it goes
and still somehow my love for you grows,
Lady - O

So on my heels I'll grow wings,
gonna ride silver strings,
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams,
Lady - O

(Judee Sill)


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