domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

David Kershenbaum - White Velvet Cat

David Kershenbaum - White Velvet Cat (Bobby Lile) Capitol P 2191 - 1968

Una de esas canciones con apariencia discreta y que, a pesar de todo, se hacen de notar rápidamente y permanecen. Nocturna y elegante, y vestida con un seductor arreglo, fué escrita por Bobby Lile, un experimentado artista con al menos una docena de singles a sus espaldas, editados desde mediados de los 50 por varios sellos diferentes.

Como Bobby, David Kershenbaum no tuvo mucho éxito con sus discos. Aunque, con el tiempo, sí pudo ver su nombre estampado en literalmente millones de ellos. Tras introducirse en la tenebrosa parte ejecutiva de la industria discográfica, encontaría finalmente el éxito, la reputación, la fama y el dinero, con sus producciones para Richie Havens, Cat Stevens, Joe Jackson, Graham Parker, Tracy Chapman y cien más. Nunca se sabe.


One of those songs with a discreet appearance and which, in spite of all, grabs attention and lingers on. Nocturnal and elegant, and dressed with a seducing arrangement, it was written by Bobby Lile, an experienced artist himself with at least a dozen singles on his back, released since the mid 50s by several different labels.

Like Bobby, David Kershenbaum didn't have that much success with his records. Although, some time later, he could see his name printed in literally millions of them. After entering the gloomy executive side of the recording industry, he'd finally find success, reputation, fame and money, producing Richie Havens, Cat Stevens, Joe Jackson, Graham Parker, Tracy Chapman and a hundred more. You never know.


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