Salt Water Taffy - Summertime Girl (Pete Anders/Vinnie Poncia) Metromedia MM220 - 1970
Me gusta el contraste entre el riff instrumental de guitarras fuzz y wah wah con el colorido y la dulzura de la melodía cantada, cercana al sunshine pop. Una bonita y original canción de pop urbano escrita por Pete Anders y Vinnie Poncia, legendarios autores y productores (The Ronettes, The Crystals, Bobby Bloom, The Tradewinds, The Innocence...).
Salt Water Taffy, además de ser un dulce típico del area de New Jersey, era un grupo neoyorkino liderado por Rod McBrien y Johnny Giametta. Rod ya tenía experiencia anterior como músico con The Tornadoes, The Valrays, The Casualeers o The Eastern Scene, y también como técnico de sonido en diferentes estudios (Roulette, Allegro, o Ultra Sonic, donde con Shadow Morton grabó el mítico "Leader Of The Pack" de The Shangri-Las). También, Rod y Johnny habían escrito algunas canciones para otros artistas.
Salt Water Taffy editaron un total de cinco singles y un muy agradable LP entre 1968 y 1970, todos ellos para el legendario sello Buddah, excepto este último que aquí presentamos que fué publicado con diferentes caras B por dos marcas diferentes: United Artists y Metromedia.
I like the contrast between the wah wah and fuzz guitar instrumental riff, and the sweet and colourful sung melody, quite close to sunshine pop. A nice and original urban pop song written by Pete Anders and Vinnie Poncia, legendary songwriters and producers (The Ronettes, The Crystals, Bobby Bloom, The Tradewinds, The Innocence...).
Salt Water Taffy, besides being a New Jersey area tipical sweet, was a newyorker group led by Rod McBrien y Johnny Giametta. Rod was already an experienced musician with The Tornadoes, The Valrays, The Casualeers or The Eastern Scene, and also a sound engineer in several studios (Roulette, Allegro, or Ultra Sonic where, with Shadow Morton, he engineered the mythical "Leader Of The Pack" by The Shangri-Las). Also, Rod and Johnny had written some tunes for other artists.
Sal Water Taffy released a total of five singles and a quite pleasant LP between 1968 and 1970, all of them for the legendary Buddah label, excep this last one we're presenting here which was released with different B sides for two different labels: United Artists y Metromedia.
Me gusta el contraste entre el riff instrumental de guitarras fuzz y wah wah con el colorido y la dulzura de la melodía cantada, cercana al sunshine pop. Una bonita y original canción de pop urbano escrita por Pete Anders y Vinnie Poncia, legendarios autores y productores (The Ronettes, The Crystals, Bobby Bloom, The Tradewinds, The Innocence...).
Salt Water Taffy, además de ser un dulce típico del area de New Jersey, era un grupo neoyorkino liderado por Rod McBrien y Johnny Giametta. Rod ya tenía experiencia anterior como músico con The Tornadoes, The Valrays, The Casualeers o The Eastern Scene, y también como técnico de sonido en diferentes estudios (Roulette, Allegro, o Ultra Sonic, donde con Shadow Morton grabó el mítico "Leader Of The Pack" de The Shangri-Las). También, Rod y Johnny habían escrito algunas canciones para otros artistas.
Salt Water Taffy editaron un total de cinco singles y un muy agradable LP entre 1968 y 1970, todos ellos para el legendario sello Buddah, excepto este último que aquí presentamos que fué publicado con diferentes caras B por dos marcas diferentes: United Artists y Metromedia.
I like the contrast between the wah wah and fuzz guitar instrumental riff, and the sweet and colourful sung melody, quite close to sunshine pop. A nice and original urban pop song written by Pete Anders and Vinnie Poncia, legendary songwriters and producers (The Ronettes, The Crystals, Bobby Bloom, The Tradewinds, The Innocence...).
Salt Water Taffy, besides being a New Jersey area tipical sweet, was a newyorker group led by Rod McBrien y Johnny Giametta. Rod was already an experienced musician with The Tornadoes, The Valrays, The Casualeers or The Eastern Scene, and also a sound engineer in several studios (Roulette, Allegro, or Ultra Sonic where, with Shadow Morton, he engineered the mythical "Leader Of The Pack" by The Shangri-Las). Also, Rod and Johnny had written some tunes for other artists.
Sal Water Taffy released a total of five singles and a quite pleasant LP between 1968 and 1970, all of them for the legendary Buddah label, excep this last one we're presenting here which was released with different B sides for two different labels: United Artists y Metromedia.